
Wool. Words. Paper. Games.

I thought I would take a moment for those who don't know me well to expand on the name of the blog and let you get to know me a little better. I am a collector of hobbies. Our family motto is "we work together so we can play together" - and it serves us well. We try to make plenty of down time for each of us to enjoy hobbies, both as a family and individually. Wool: About 7 years ago I made a new friend over the Christmas holidays. We became Facebook friends that afternoon, like you do, and right after the new year she posted something along the lines of "Is it crazy to take a vacation day to catch up on my knitting goals?" Knitting? People my age knit??? I wanted in on that - so she kindly talked me through getting started. I fell instantly in love. A few years later she sold my family her spinning wheel (she was upgrading) and for my birthday I became a spinner. It was magic. Pure, colorful, perfect magic. So now I spend a large part of each week knitting an...

New Adventures. New Stories.

I have not blogged regularly in a long time. When we lived far away from all our family, and before there were fancy newfangled social mediums like Facebook, I blogged regularly to keep our far away families up to date with all the things that our toddlers were doing. That blog, printed out into book form, is a wonderful scrapbook of that time in our lives, but with advances in social media and moving back closer to some of our family, that blog was no longer necessary. I have a bit of a blog for my currently resting Etsy shop where I sell (sold) handspun yarn. For this season of my life, that isn't something I have the energy to maintain, so it is resting on the back burner until I am ready to pursue it closer to full time again. Similarly, my podcast is waiting for me to return to it too someday. In addition, my health has been slipping out from me for some time now - figuratively and literally. I have fought Restless Leg Syndrome since I was in my teen years (possibly since ...