New Adventures. New Stories.

I have not blogged regularly in a long time. When we lived far away from all our family, and before there were fancy newfangled social mediums like Facebook, I blogged regularly to keep our far away families up to date with all the things that our toddlers were doing. That blog, printed out into book form, is a wonderful scrapbook of that time in our lives, but with advances in social media and moving back closer to some of our family, that blog was no longer necessary.

I have a bit of a blog for my currently resting Etsy shop where I sell (sold) handspun yarn. For this season of my life, that isn't something I have the energy to maintain, so it is resting on the back burner until I am ready to pursue it closer to full time again. Similarly, my podcast is waiting for me to return to it too someday.

In addition, my health has been slipping out from me for some time now - figuratively and literally. I have fought Restless Leg Syndrome since I was in my teen years (possibly since I was around 6 and first started having "growing pains" at night). I am now to the point that without heavy medication my legs crawl, jump, twitch, hurt, feel like they are freezing, feel like my bones are full of ants, and am generally miserable almost 24/7. Within the last month we are finally getting me consistently comfortable for the first time I can remember. It is marvelous. But the meds have made my balance off, and I have had some falls. And while my anxiety and depression are under better control - they still exist and trouble me. All of that has left my body in constant pain with serious sleep issues.

So here I am in a new season of my life - no businesses of any sort to run, my little toddlers are both teenagers - teenagers! - and needing me in different ways than they once did. I am having to rest a lot - strict doctors orders.  Homeschooling is still a part of our lives, but now that we are entering high school it looks so very different from the days when our house was filled with crayons, projects, readers, and math manipulatives.

And with an influx of breathing room in my life and in my mind, I find that I want to write again. I want to share what I am learning about grace and slowing down. I want to share about living with autism in our house. I want to share the pretty things I am knitting and spinning. I want to share the new adventures I have started in papercrafts. I want to review the books I am reading and board games we are playing. And I want to share all the new ideas bouncing around in my head - new stories, silly Becky stories, and a family adventure every now and them.

So welcome to Wool. Words. Paper. Games. - just a little corner of the internet for me to write and create!



  1. dearest Rebecca, it will be a pleasure hearing about these pieces of your life in story form :) cheering you on!

    1. Thank you my friend. It felt so nice to write again.


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